The Monroe County Radio Communications Association was founded in 1941 and has been a long-standing part of the Monroe, Michigan community. We are Michigan’s first Special Service Club.
We are an active club made up of men and women amateur radio operators (hams) of all ages and others who are interested in our hobby and learning to become amateurs.
Our members are licensed by the FCC for the purpose of communicating to other radio amateurs across town, around the globe and into space. We communicate for fun, technical discussion, community service and disaster relief. We are affiliated with a national amateur radio organization called the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL). We communicate locally using repeaters, and across the nation or around the globe with various antennas, satellites even the moon using Earth Moon Earth also known as “Moon Bounce”. It is even possible for amateurs to communicate with the ISS as it orbits the earth when the ISS crew has the time. Some of the modes of communication used by amateurs include Morse Code, Voice, Radio Teletype or RTTY and many of the new digital text modes that allow us to communicate using very low power to locations around the world.
Some of our members belong to the Monroe County Amateur Radio Public Service Corp (ARPSC) which is an emergency preparedness organization where amateurs radio operators train and practice to provide communication assistance in time of community emergencies. We also assist others within our community to obtain their amateur radio license through classes and license test sessions.
Amateurs from our organization can also work with various scouting organizations in educating scouts on our interesting hobby, as well as helping them to obtaining their Radio Merit Badge.
You can register to become a new member online by clicking here.