River Raisin Repeater Association, Inc.


Voice Repeaters
146.12/146.72 223.18/224.78 449.55/444.55 447.825/442.825 447.65/442.65
Packet / WinLink
144.93 - MI7MON

The RRRA was formed in 1971 for the expressed purpose of promoting FM and repeater operation, offering a technical base on the subject, providing a useful communications facility for emergencies, and to develop friendships through a common goal.

RRRA members participate with many local clubs and organizations to provide our organization's resources to local and visiting radio amateurs, as well as to our communities. The generosity of our members and friends contributes to the service the RRRA can offer. RRRA encourages the participation of its members in local general interest amateur radio clubs.

The River Raisin Repeater Association Inc. is an ARRL affiliated club, allowing our membership to take advantage of the many services offered by the League. The specialized nature of the Association and the intent to provide a service to all amateurs, call for only one general meeting yearly, so as not to conflict with the activity of local amateur clubs having a broader interest to the amateur community.

There are now five RRRA systems in operation to serve the amateur radio operators of the Monroe County region. Our first repeater, 146.72 (previously 146.73) went on the air in 1971, from downtown Monroe. Today, we operate from our transmitter site near Ida for 146.72, 224.78, 442.65, and our 144.93 Packet / WinLink RMS node. The 444.55 Repeater is located near Luna Pier, and the 442.825 system is in Dundee.

Amateur operators throughout the area are welcomed and encouraged to use the repeaters. System coverage of the 72-repeater extends approximately 45 miles from its 250 foot main antenna site at Ida for 25 watt mobiles. Receive sites at Ida, Monroe, Newport, Ottawa Lake, and Dundee offer improved coverage for hand-held units operating in those areas.

146.72 MHz "72-MONROE" SYSTEM operates with its main antenna at 250 feet, in Ida, and has a transmitter ERP of 200 watts. Receivers are located at Ida, Monroe, Dundee, Newport and Ottawa Lake. PL code is 100.0 Hz.

224.78 MHz REPEATER system is located at Ida. The repeater ERP is 128 watts. This system operates with carrier squelch.

444.55 MHz REPEATER is in the process of relocating. Use may be limited until the installation is complete. PL code is 100.0 Hz.

442.65 MHz "IDA REPEATER" is located in Ida, and transmits from a 220-foot antenna height. Effective radiated power is 154 watts and the PL code is 100.0 Hz.

442.825 MHz "DUNDEE REPEATER" supports DMR and analog FM, is located on a water tower in Dundee, and transmits from a 125-foot antenna height. The repeater power is 220 watts ERP. PL code is 100.0 Hz.

144.93 MHz WinLink RMS Node is located at the Ida tower. You can send and receive messages using your computer's WinLink program by connecting to the node: K8RPT-10


All of the RRRA repeaters are equipped to operate with emergency backup power generators. A battery backup is used to keep the repeaters powered during transfer switch throwover, and to support limited operation should a generator or transfer switch fail. The 72-Monroe and Ida repeaters will indicate battery power operation via voice announcements. In this emergency power mode, the repeaters may reduce transmitter power and shed some of their normal features to conserve battery. As battery capacity is of course limited, the repeaters should be used conservatively when they are operating on battery power.


The RRRA has agreements with the Monroe, Lenawee, and Washtenaw County ARPSC Organizations to allow priority use of the repeaters in case of an emergency. Users are to respect these agreements in the true spirit of Amateur Radio public service, and allow unobstructed operation of the repeaters by these groups in an emergency or drill.

Non-emergency amateur activities such as nets and drills are regular users of the systems, and other activities and special events are welcome. The Association board will be pleased to assist in scheduling such operations.


The 72-Monroe system incorporates a digital voice recorder to allow special news and announcements to be scheduled on the repeater. The DVR will store up to sixteen messages each programmable to play on command or at a preset time interval. Special bulletins and important announcements can be prerecorded for severe weather or other emergencies.


All of the RRRA systems are open to use by all amateur radio operators. However, if you are more than a "once in a blue moon" user of the RRRA repeaters, we ask you to consider joining the association. Your participation will help to insure the ability to operate, maintain and improve these systems while ensuring readiness to support any emergency/disaster communications needs that may arise.

The Association is an independent radio club and is supported solely by member dues and contributions. Dues are $20.00 per year. The membership runs from May 1 to May 1 of each calendar year. The Association holds its annual business meeting typically on the first Saturday in May.

You may join the River Raisin Repeater Association by printing out the following application form, entering the requested data, and sending it along with appropriate payment via the U.S. Postal Service. Please note, it is important to include all requested info. Personal information will not be published or otherwise made available outside of the association business records.

Download Personal Cross-Band Repeater (PCBR) Policy

Download RRRA Application Form